An interview with Stefan, Email Marketing Specialist


Tell us about what you do for Centric Squared.

Answer: My primary responsibilities revolve around creating email campaigns and flows. I usually start by writing the copy, then reviewing the email design and building it in Klaviyo. I also analyze KPIs and monitor email performance. 


What kind of skills do you have to do this role?

Answer: The skills that help me do my job are creativity and the ability to think outside the box. These skills come in handy when preparing emails for our clients (and for our agency, too).


What’s something you’d love to share about your role with others?

Answer: I couldn’t be more fortunate to work with Centric Squared. The energy felt right from my first interview with Sara, so I knew I was in the right place. I learned so much from working with the team in the past few months, and I really couldn’t be more grateful for that. Our strongest feature as a team is that we have each other’s backs. Having people around you that you can depend on and that they can depend on you is a truly great feeling!


Can you describe the path that led you to Centric Squared?

Answer: I was looking for a full-time job at an Email Marketing agency last year. That process took a few months. Interviews, messages, LinkedIn DMs, emails, and I began to think, “This is impossible.” In the meantime, I got some responses and proposals but needed something to fit me. There was always something missing. Then I stumbled upon Centric Squared and saw there was an open position. So, I applied. In the meantime, I checked out their services and the Founder Page. I saw a sweet photo of a mom with her sons out in nature, and said, “I have a good feeling about this.” I had an interview with the woman in that photo, and I got the job. That’s how I met Sara, and that’s how my journey with Centric Squared began!


What’s different about working as a freelancer vs. an agency setting for you?

Answer: Mostly, it’s the security of having a job and a team on the same page as you. The job is dynamic and exciting, so you must be ready to learn quickly and adapt. Overall, if you’re like me and love email marketing, then a job with flexible hours and a great team is all you need!


What’s a lesson you’ve learned since joining the team?

Answer: Everything can be done with the right people around you.


What advice would you give to someone who is interested in becoming an Email Marketing Specialist?

Answer: Don’t be afraid to fail, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.


When you’re not working, what are you doing?

Answer: Well, I wouldn’t consider this “work.” When people nowadays talk about work, they associate it with a job that they usually don’t like. My work with Centric Squared is something that I love to do, and it happens that I get paid to do it. But when I’m not “emailing,” I spend my free time with friends, working out, cooking, or playing pool. It’s easy to send an email but not easy to make a good beef stew!


What’s one book on your bookshelf right now? 

Answer: I usually read two books at a time. One is about work, and the other is something easy on the brain. The first book on my nightstand is 1984 by George Orwell, and the one on my desk is The Direct Mail Solution by Dan Kennedy. 


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